Learn how to manage and publish your content in Flomenco workflows
About Flomenco Tenovos Node
Tenovos is a comprehensive digital asset management platform that streamlines the content lifecycle with centralized asset management and analytics capabilities to help brands efficiently manage and optimize their global content operations.
The Flomenco Tenovos node enables no-code integration of asset, collection, and metadata management capabilities into your broader media workflows, further optimizing your content operations.
Supported Actions:
Asset Actions
- Get Single Asset Retrieve detailed information about a specific asset by its ID.
- Create Federated Asset Add a federated asset to the system with specified properties.
Collection Actions
- Create Collection Create a new collection to organize related assets.
- Delete Collection By ID Remove a collection using its unique ID.
- Get Collection By ID Retrieve details of a collection based on its ID.
- Share All Assets In Collection Share all assets within a collection, likely for collaboration or distribution.
- Update Collection Modify the properties or metadata of an existing collection.
Metadata Actions
- Retrieve All Metadata Templates Available To The Current User List all metadata templates accessible by the current user.
- Get Metadata Template By ID Retrieve a specific metadata template using its ID.
- Retrieve All Controlled Vocabularies Available To The Current User Get a list of all controlled vocabularies accessible by the current user for metadata consistency.
- Get Controlled Vocabulary By ID Fetch detailed information about a specific controlled vocabulary by its ID.
Search Actions
- Search for Collections Perform a search query to find collections based on specific criteria.
Security Actions
- Retrieve All Security Templates Available To The Current User Access all security templates available for managing permissions and access controls.
- Retrieve List Of Security Groups Fetch a list of security groups within the system.
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