Create Workflows

Learn how to create your first workflow


Learn how to connect your favorite SaaS providers and create media workflows by creating and configuring a workflow canvas. This process enables you to streamline your content creation and distribution tasks.

Creating a New Workflow

  • Navigate to the WorkFlo tab
  • Click on 'Add WorkFlo'
  • Use the plus sign to search for nodes
  • Add the node you need
  • Repeat this for the various app nodes and logic nodes you think you need

Example: Add Schedule Trigger

Click Add WorkFlo to trigger the Canvas

Notion image

First Click + - search for your starting event - e.g. a 'Trigger’

Notion image

In this example, we will add a 'Schedule Trigger’

Notion image

Once you click the 'On a Schedule' it brings up the window to configure the node. You can click the back arrow in the top-left to exit:

Notion image

Now your canvas looks like this and you can add another node - e.g. search for Fabric

Notion image

Search for 'Fabric’

Notion image

Click on Node 'Fabric' in the search result to view options you can choose from. Then drag your Fabric action onto the canvas

Notion image

In this example we drag 'Create a record' onto the canvas and the configurator opens:

Notion image

This is an example of what a more defined workflow looks like:

Notion image

To make it easier to configure the node, here we show data going from node 1 to node 2.

We manually trigger the first workflow step by moving the mouse over the icon and then click the 'play' arrow that appears.


Here is the result you see when you open the second node

Notion image

and in this example you can drag any field on the left into the middle column and set any logic needed. By ensuring the nodes are connected first and then run the previous node manually, it makes it very easy to configure the current node since you working with some example data.


Configuring Nodes on Canvas

  • Double click the node you want to configure.
  • Choose the fields relevant to your workflow. Remember you can drag fields from the left 'input' side (input to a node) to the center (field configuration) - no coding!
  • Set up any if-then conditions as needed using the IF Node or other
  • Do a test run to see how the workflow performs.
  • Adjust the settings based on the results of your test run.

You can test each node and as you do that Flomenco will capture the data and feed it into the next workflow step. As you create the worklow live this is very helpful to configure the workflow step by step and to use the information fields from the previous step to configure the current step. You can drag the data from a previous step to be used as the data in a field on the current step. This is data mapping with no-code!


Node Configuration TIps:


Testing Workflows: Before making your workflow active, it's a good idea to test it. This helps you see how data moves through your workflow and ensures everything works as expected.


Activating a Workflow

Once you are ready for your Workflo to go live, toggle the ‘Inactive’ button at the top of the canvas to make your workflow ‘Active’.


To view active workflows, go to the Workflow Tab in Flomenco. Here, you can see all your workflows. They are marked or filtered to show which ones are currently active.

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Last updated on January 6, 2025